
Hi there and thanks for stopping by!

I’m Stef! My purpose in this world is to create beautiful spaces (physical, energetic and emotional) for disruptive transformation and healing.

In my own story, no singular journey has been more transformative than polyamory. You can read more about that here. When I started questioning not only the systems I’d been prescribed but also the fragile threads that were holding up my self-worth, I discovered deeper levels of self-love and trust that I’d never known before. 

In thinking about relationships differently and doing relationships differently, I gained greater alignment with my true self. I stopped basing my worth on the attention I received from others and started recognizing myself as special and beautiful simply because I say so.

In learning how to have a secure attachment with myself, I was able to engage in relationships from a healthy place. I became a better partner, a better friend, a better human. 

It is my deep hope that all of us experience ourselves in this way. You are so special, so worthy of love and belonging.

Wherever you are on your journey to honoring your true self, you have support here.


Maybe you have identified parts of your relationship life that are no longer working. Maybe you are just finally over all of the societal norms and know there must be a differently, more aligned way of living. Maybe you’re ready to powerfully step into the kinds of relationships you truly desire. Maybe you’re already living into it and are wanting more support to process all the feelings this experience creates.

Whatever the reason, here’s what you need to know:

 I am here to cultivate transformational space for healing. 

My purpose is your peace. 

I am trained through Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Coach Program and Co-Active Training Institute and hold CPCC and ACC certifications as well as a membership with the International Coaching Federation. I utilize all this training, over 270 hours of coaching experience, 10 years of leadership and communication coaching, 4 years of yoga instruction, personal meditation & breathing practices as well as 5 years of my own polyamory journey to partner with you to identify and create the relationships and life that you want.

I remember quite vividly the first time I was introduced to the concept that I could be the active creator of my life. Leading up to that moment, I was running in the rut of many patterns of belief that simply were. not. working. anymore! On a daily basis, I felt unfulfilled, exhausted, limited and even trapped. 

Fast forward 10 years to freedom from defaulting into my stories, my patterns, the ruts that no longer serve me, and the ability to recognize my thoughts as simply that: thoughts. Damn it feels good and I believe in my bones that we are all meant for this kind of life: one where you are the designer! One that contains ease and joy and abundance and so much love.  You in?
